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Cam Fraser


Born in Canada. Loving Husband and proud father.


There's not much to tell, really. From a young age it was clear that Cameron had a knack for telling it the way he saw it. At the age of six he once flatly and simply told a family member that they had bad breath, and from there he always had a talent for being brutally honest.


It's this brutal honesty clashing with the stupidity of the world at large that spawns the cartoons and comments that, to this day, are drawn on the sale tags of the drug store Cam currently works in; bringing laughter and derision from many.


Though humor and cynicism play a large part in this artist's palette of talent, there's a serious side to his psyche. Cam has always written in his spare time, slowly graduating from poems to short stories to novels, which are currently in the works.


All-in-all, if you meet this young artist on the street, be thankful you're not related.

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